// Game created in Arexx - ver$ Dawn Of The Dead RPG v1.0a
address command 'Dawn:bits/style R 2'
say 'You walk down a dimly lit corridor and the smell of rotting flesh stings your nose, it gets stronger as you move forward and then suddnely a Zombie leaps out...What do you do to him?'
echo 'Headbutt Him, Kick Him, Rip his head off, Smack him around a bit '
pull answer
When answer = Headbutt Him then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = Kick Him then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = Rip his head off then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = Smack him around a bit then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = headbutt then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = kick then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = rip then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = rip head off then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = smack him around a bit then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = smack him then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'
When answer = smack him around then cmd = 'zombod.rexx'